Aditya Bioinnovation
Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture
Aditya Bioinnovation Pvt. Ltd.
Innovative agricultural inputs for improved farm productivity, hydroponics & urban farming.
The company is doing formulation from readymade botanical extract purchased from reputed company of India, formulation is done by mixing the extracts and the unit is situated at Nagpur. Our products are formulated from 100% botanical extract and natural salts in nano form . Indian Patents received on proprietary formulations.
Awards & Recognitions
Aditya Bioinnovation wins “Best Innovative Agri Startup” at Agri-Food Empowering India Awards 2021

Media Coverage of Aditya Bioinnovation
Rural Voice
Aditya Bioinnovation wins “Best innovative agri startup” at Agri-Food Empowering India Awards 2021
News Today 24x7
Aditya Bioinnovation wins “Best innovative agri startup “at Agri-Food Empowering India Awards 2021
Biotonic for plants & soil
Harit Biogold is a nano -nutrient supplier made from botanical extracts, containing primary and secondary micronutrients in nano form.

Dr. Bagchi's A-SIL
Bioactive plant vitaliser & flower enhancer
It is a bioactive nano nutrients and extract of herbal based plant vitaliser and flower enhancer in liquid formulation.

Dr. Bagchi's LARVAEGO
Immunity builder against fruit and shoot borer & caterpillars
Natural enhancement of plant immunity to fight against fruit and pod borer and citrus gall wasp including pink bollworm in cotton, army worm and Helicoverpa Borer leaves the plant after 04-5 days of application.

Dr. Bagchi's TAB
Rakshak for TMV in chilli peeper
Botanical Eco friendly Immunity builder against Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) in chilli. An excellent formulation for growth and prevention of tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) in chilly and others.

Dr. Bagchi's TARGET
Immunity builder against sucking pest (white fly, aphid thrips etc.)
Botanical Eco friendly Immunity builder against white fly and mealybug. An excellent formulation for white fly and mealybug attack.

Dr. Bagchi's CROP YELLOW
For Crops Turning Yellow
Botanical extracts based ecofriendly plant rejuvenator.

Dr. Bagchi's NIVARAN
Immunity builder - Against soil fungus
Botanical extracts based ecofriendly plant rejuvenator.

Registered Office
Kanha Imperial, Gokul Housing Society, Gorewada Road, Nagpur, Maharastra, 440013, India
Office & Unit
C/O Omprakash Vitthalrao Akotkar, Plot 1385, Ward no 5, Dahegaon Rangari,Tal- Saoner, Dist Nagpur - 441113
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